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Monday, April 14, 2008

Widget wonderland

Found a widget to enable recent comments to be added at the bottom of each post. Now that the widget is installed, if you click on the title of any post, the comments on that post will appear underneath it. Neat.

I did a google search on "show comments" and eventually settled on this one. There may be more out there but this one seems to work fine.

The site looks pretty good, too. It's called "Tips for new bloggers". It's got a huuuuuge amount of customizable stuff for your blog. Got the code for the three column layout and other stuff from there. Check it out. Also, have a look at Blogger templates. Lots of stuff there, too.


Pete said...

Just testing the recent comments widget.

pls@slnsw said...

very cool widget - we might try something like that ourselves!

Mylee (PLS)