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Unshelved - The library comic strip

Monday, April 14, 2008

Slammin' the boards?

Gee, I don't know about "slammin the boards". Sounds a bit too try hard to me. A touch of the "let's sound like cool and groovy librarians". Is it just me or do librarians trying to sound cool always sound lame? I think I'd rather watch paint dry.

Could be OK for training I suppose, or if you haven't got a life. Could be good if set up locally, or cooperatively. Ask a Librarian type thing. I can't see my Council wanting me to spend work time on Yahoo answers, as rivetting as that may be. Providing Bruce McAvaney with my most romantic getaway destination may not impress them as a great use of my professional time.

A great use of my time however is reading "Annoyed Librarian" Check out the article on "Library stress reduction" and others. A delightful style and sense of humour. Libraries....it's not a tough gig. We're not solving world peace and world poverty here. Relax and enjoy it.

By the way, did you like the cartoon? Check out "Unshelved - the library comic strip" for more library humour.