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Wednesday, April 9, 2008

It's not you, it's your LibraryThing!

Checked out the Kingston Library site (Thanks Bambino for the tip). Integrated LibraryThing into the catalogue. Neat. Tag clouds, lists of similar works from LibraryThing, etc. can't wait to get it into our catalogue.

Even created my own LibraryThing account. I'm getting a bit attached to it, adding a few items each day. It's strange looking at the things that I read grouped on a computer screen. On the bookshelves at home they are part of the furniture and I tend to take them for granted. Now that I'm adding them to my LibraryThing account, I'm going over them and starting to reread some.

I'm also asking myself, who is this person reading this stuff? Is that really me? Waxing a bit metaphysical here....... quick, back to reality. Well....sort of.....

I was reading an article in the Herald on the weekend about reading and relationships ( I know, I know... but it was a dull footy weekend, I'd had a couple of beers and I'd been watching grass grow for a while). It was called " It's not you, it's your books!" Literary taste can be seen as a guide to compatibility, but don't read too much into it, writes Rachel Donadio. So, I'm thinking LibraryThing could be a bit of a two edged sword for those out there looking for their one true love.

Fortunately the conclusion of the writer was "For most people, love conquers literary taste. " Just as well! I don't think my one true love reads anything that I read and vice versa. We just read different stuff and tell each other about . If we both had LibraryThings, I think the only common books on them would be the ones that we read to the kids when they were young. We've been married for 34 years and it works for us.