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Unshelved - The library comic strip

Friday, February 22, 2008

ebooks, ebooks, wherefore art thou ebooks?

Or perhaps what art thou ebooks? Ever wondered about how we haven't been swamped by the tide of ebooks that techies have been threatening us with for years?

Apart from the fact that most predictions about things electronic are made by techies (and/or futurists [whatever they might be]) who extrapolate trends from the thinking and behaviour of a small segment of society (i.e. techies) to the thinking and behaviour of the rest of us (who don't think or behave like techies), what is it about ebooks that has made them so wonderfully resistable to the great majority of us?

An article in the Herald's "Gadgets on the go" blog called "ebook fact or fiction" provides some interesting answers with some down to earth practical ideas and advice from both adopters and non adopters alike.

The day of the ebook (what a title for a book?) will come when it can do all the things that its champions claim for it in a simple, uncomplicated, user friendly way. As soon as digital rights management, standardizing of formats and devices and competitively low pricing appears, I'll be on board.

What about you?